Fashion Doll is doing amazing at the beauty pageant and has made it into the finals. You are her personal stylist for the beauty content and need to make her look super pretty at your salon!
As a stylist at the best salon, Fashion Doll is relying on you to up her beauty game to make sure that her look is gorgeous enough to win the crown as the beauty queen. At your salon, you’ll want to start with giving her a few spa treatments. They’ll work to relax her and make her skin look flawless under the lights at the contest. Design a pretty makeup look that accents her natural beauty that will help to give her an edge in the competition. The dress is the final touch, and it’s got to be good for her big night. You’ll need to dress her up in the perfect dress that makes her look like the beauty queen she will be at the end of the contest.
How to Play:
• Fashion Doll desperately needs your help to make her extra pretty
• Get her into your chair at your salon to work your magic
• Spa treatments should do the trick of making her look absolutely flawless
• Makeup will help to accent her awesome features
• Play dress up with the most amazing gowns until you find the right one
• Send her off to the beauty pageant in style
Fashion Doll is going to look her best during the beauty contest thanks to your skill. Download now!
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تقوم Fashion Doll بأداء مذهل في مسابقة ملكة الجمال وجعلتها في النهائيات. أنت حلاقها الشخصي لمحتوى الجمال وتحتاج إلى جعلها تبدو فائقة جميلة في صالون الخاص بك!
بصفتك حلاقًا في أفضل صالون ، تعتمد Fashion Doll على لعبة التجميل الخاصة بها للتأكد من أن مظهرها رائع بما يكفي للفوز بلقب ملكة الجمال. في صالونك ، سترغب في البدء بمنحها بعض العلاجات في السبا. سيعملون على إرخاءها وجعل بشرتها تبدو خالية من العيوب تحت الأضواء في المسابقة. صمم مظهرًا رائعًا للمكياج يضفي جمالًا طبيعيًا لها مما سيساعدها على منحها ميزة في المنافسة. الفستان هو اللمسة الأخيرة ، ويجب أن يكون جيدًا ليلتها الكبيرة. ستحتاج إلى ارتداء ملابسها في الفستان المثالي الذي يجعلها تبدو وكأنها ملكة الجمال التي ستكون في نهاية المسابقة.
كيف ألعب:
• أزياء الدمية بحاجة ماسة لمساعدتكم لجعلها جميلة اضافية
• أدخلها إلى مقعدك في صالونك لتعمل سحرك
• يجب أن تفعل علاجات السبا خدعة تجعلها تبدو خالية من العيوب تمامًا
• سوف يساعد الماكياج على تمييز ميزاتها الرائعة
• العب فستاناً بأثواب مذهلة حتى تجد الفستان المناسب
• أرسلها إلى مسابقة ملكة الجمال بأناقة
ستبدو Fashion Doll أفضل مظهر لها خلال مسابقة الجمال بفضل مهارتك. التحميل الان!
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تابعنا على تويتر:
Fashion Doll is doing amazing at the beauty pageant and has made it into the finals. You are her personal stylist for the beauty content and need to make her look super pretty at your salon!
As a stylist at the best salon, Fashion Doll is relying on you to up her beauty game to make sure that her look is gorgeous enough to win the crown as the beauty queen. At your salon, you’ll want to start with giving her a few spa treatments. They’ll work to relax her and make her skin look flawless under the lights at the contest. Design a pretty makeup look that accents her natural beauty that will help to give her an edge in the competition. The dress is the final touch, and it’s got to be good for her big night. You’ll need to dress her up in the perfect dress that makes her look like the beauty queen she will be at the end of the contest.
How to Play:
• Fashion Doll desperately needs your help to make her extra pretty
• Get her into your chair at your salon to work your magic
• Spa treatments should do the trick of making her look absolutely flawless
• Makeup will help to accent her awesome features
• Play dress up with the most amazing gowns until you find the right one
• Send her off to the beauty pageant in style
Fashion Doll is going to look her best during the beauty contest thanks to your skill. Download now!
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